Thursday, December 30, 2010

Plans for 2011

All the gifts have been purchased, wrapped, then opened. The rush of the holidays are over. It's almost New Years Eve. Time to start taking down the tree, putting away the decorations and packing it all up for another year. A part of me is already missing the holidays. I really enjoy taking the time to create during these months leading up to Christmas. It's the one time of the year when I have an excuse to spend so much time in my craft room, playing with paper and letting my creative imagination go. I miss that so much throughout the rest of the year. I've got to find a way to make sure I make the time to do these things all year long.

Time to get rolling's a new year, need to stay focused. Need to manage my time better so I can get the things I "need" to do, done quickly and efficiently. Then I will have time for the things I "want" to do. Right now I feel that I spend so much time dreading all the things I "need" to do and wishing I had time to do the things I "want" to do, that I do nothing. Can't do the things I "want" to do until I do the things I "need" to do. Don't want to do the things I "need" to do, wish I could do the things I "want" to do instead, so all I do is....nothing. It's a circle that I must break out of.

Time to change. Time to focus. Time to get things accomplished. Time to get motivated.

Deleted all games from Facebook and "unfriended" people I had added just to play games. This really cleaned up my Facebook and now when I check it all I see are status updates from people I really care about. Thought this would result in spending less time on the computer, just wasting time. Will have to see how this pans out.

Been working on catching up on all my subscriptions on Google Reader. Been spending even more time on the computer reading all the blogs I've subscribed to. Need to really unscribe to everything that doesn't inspire me to stay focused on what's really important to me. So far I've found that once I have read everything new I go searching for more to read by following links on blogs. This seems to be resulting in spending more time on the computer than when I was playing Facebook games.

Not quite the result I was hoping for, going to have to work on this. My plan is to spend time on computer creating, organizing my photos and logging memories. Today while surfing around I came across this idea for doing a monthly update . Really like the idea of doing a monthly "roundup" and following her suggestions to keeping everything organized, digitally speaking. I'm really going to try to do this, which is going to mean updating my blog at least once a month.

This is another idea I want to focus on in 2011. Move More Eat Less. While I can't afford to buy all the stuff CZ is offering to stay focused on this, I want to come up with my own journal. Again, something I need to DO not just think about doing. Focus.

I've been reading a lot about Ali Edwards "One little word" again this year and was trying to decide if I wanted to try that again this year. I've done that once in the past, semi-successfully but didn't do it last year. I didn't think I really had a word for 2011, nothing came to mind while reading all the other blog posts about it. Then, as I started writing this it hit me. FOCUS. That is what I want to concentrate on this year.

FOCUS on getting things accomplished instead of just thinking about how I need to get things done.

FOCUS on doing what's really important to me and not thinking about it or telling myself I'll do it when I have time.


That's a good word for 2011. I don't want to set goals, I just want to Focus on getting things done, establish routines that will get me to where I want to be. I think that's the trick, make things into routines that become habits. Stay focused.